Results for 'J. Winston Chiong'

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  1.  24
    Tire Social Safety Net: An Alternative to Rawls's Two Principles of Justice.J. Winston Chiong - 1997 - Auslegung 22 (2):106-120.
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    A Qualitative Analysis of Ethical Perspectives on Recruitment and Consent for Human Intracranial Electrophysiology Studies.Joncarmen V. Mergenthaler, Winston Chiong, Daniel Dohan, Josh Feler, Cailin R. Lechner, Philip A. Starr & Jalayne J. Arias - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):57-67.
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    Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Optogenetics, Ethical Issues Affecting DBS Research, Neuromodulatory Approaches for Depression, Adaptive Neurostimulation, and Emerging DBS Technologies.Vinata Vedam-Mai, Karl Deisseroth, James Giordano, Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz, Winston Chiong, Nanthia Suthana, Jean-Philippe Langevin, Jay Gill, Wayne Goodman, Nicole R. Provenza, Casey H. Halpern, Rajat S. Shivacharan, Tricia N. Cunningham, Sameer A. Sheth, Nader Pouratian, Katherine W. Scangos, Helen S. Mayberg, Andreas Horn, Kara A. Johnson, Christopher R. Butson, Ro’ee Gilron, Coralie de Hemptinne, Robert Wilt, Maria Yaroshinsky, Simon Little, Philip Starr, Greg Worrell, Prasad Shirvalkar, Edward Chang, Jens Volkmann, Muthuraman Muthuraman, Sergiu Groppa, Andrea A. Kühn, Luming Li, Matthew Johnson, Kevin J. Otto, Robert Raike, Steve Goetz, Chengyuan Wu, Peter Silburn, Binith Cheeran, Yagna J. Pathak, Mahsa Malekmohammadi, Aysegul Gunduz, Joshua K. Wong, Stephanie Cernera, Aparna Wagle Shukla, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Wissam Deeb, Addie Patterson, Kelly D. Foote & Michael S. Okun - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:644593.
    We estimate that 208,000 deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices have been implanted to address neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders worldwide. DBS Think Tank presenters pooled data and determined that DBS expanded in its scope and has been applied to multiple brain disorders in an effort to modulate neural circuitry. The DBS Think Tank was founded in 2012 providing a space where clinicians, engineers, researchers from industry and academia discuss current and emerging DBS technologies and logistical and ethical issues facing the field. (...)
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    What Happens After a Neural Implant Study? Neuroethics Expert Workshop on Post-Trial Obligations.Ishan Dasgupta, Eran Klein, Laura Y. Cabrera, Winston Chiong, Ashley Feinsinger, Joseph J. Fins, Tobias Haeusermann, Saskia Hendriks, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Cynthia Kubu, Helen Mayberg, Khara Ramos, Adina Roskies, Lauren Sankary, Ashley Walton, Alik S. Widge & Sara Goering - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-14.
    What happens at the end of a clinical trial for an investigational neural implant? It may be surprising to learn how difficult it is to answer this question. While new trials are initiated with increasing regularity, relatively little consensus exists on how best to conduct them, and even less on how to ethically end them. The landscape of recent neural implant trials demonstrates wide variability of what happens to research participants after an neural implant trial ends. Some former research participants (...)
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    Using Neuroscientific and Clinical Context to Assess and Manage Changes in Core Personal Traits Caused by Deep Brain Stimulation.Colin W. Hoy, Simon J. Little & Winston Chiong - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):310-312.
    Recent debate has arisen in the neuroethics literature on the extent to which deep brain stimulation (DBS) may cause changes to core personal traits. This has prompted calls for more empirical data...
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  6. Brain Death without Definitions.Winston Chiong - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (6):20.
    Most of the world now accepts the idea, first proposed four decades ago, that death means “brain death.” But the idea has always been open to criticism because it doesn't square with all of our intuitions about death. In fact, none of the possible definitions of death quite works. Death, perhaps surprisingly, eludes definition, and “brain death” can be accepted only as a refinement of what is in fact a fuzzy concept.
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  7.  25
    Insiders and Outsiders: Lessons for Neuroethics from the History of Bioethics.Winston Chiong - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (3):155-166.
    Recent disputes over the NIH Neuroethics Roadmap have revealed underlying tensions between neuroethics and the broader neuroscience community. These controversies should spur neuroethicists to more clearly articulate an oft-cited ideal of “integrating” neuroethics in neuroscience. In this, it is useful to consider the integration of bioethics in medical practice as both historical precedent and context for integration in neuroethics. Bioethics began as interdisciplinary scholars joined biomedical institutions to serve on newly-created IRBs and hospital ethics committees. These early bioethicists identified as (...)
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    The real problem with equipoise.Winston Chiong - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):37 – 47.
    The equipoise requirement in clinical research demands that, if patients are to be randomly assigned to one of two interventions in a clinical trial, there must be genuine doubt about which is better. This reflects the traditional view that physicians must never knowingly compromise the care of their patients, even for the sake of future patients. Equipoise has proven to be deeply problematic, especially in the Third World. Some recent critics have argued against equipoise on the grounds that clinical research (...)
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  9.  40
    Supported Decision-Making for People with Dementia Should Focus on Their Values.Winston Chiong & Agnieszka Jaworska - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (11):19-21.
    In their thoughtful and rigorous article, Peterson and colleagues extend an account of supported decision-making that was originally developed for people with static cognitive impairments, t...
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    Response to Commentators on “The Real Problem with Equipoise”.Winston Chiong - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):W42-W45.
    I am glad to have this opportunity to continue a conversation with authors from whom I have learned so much. In the interest of space I will focus my own remarks on points where I disagree with the...
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  11.  51
    Industry-to-physician marketing and the cost of prescription drugs.Winston Chiong - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3):28 – 29.
  12.  9
    Reply to Bernat.Winston Chiong - 2013 - In Arthur L. Caplan & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in bioethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 25--399.
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    A Theory of Bioethics by David DeGrazia and Joseph Millum (review).Colin Hoy & Winston Chiong - 2023 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 33 (3):321-325.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Theory of Bioethics by David DeGrazia and Joseph MillumColin Hoy (bio) and Winston Chiong (bio)Review of David DeGrazia and Joseph Millum, A Theory of Bioethics (Cambridge University Press, 2021)David DeGrazia and Joseph Millum’s A Theory of Bioethics 2021 arrives at a curious time for an ambitious effort at systematic theory construction, seemingly out of step with bioethical fashion. At the same time, a prominent group (...)
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    Impact of Spatial and Verbal Short-Term Memory Load on Auditory Spatial Attention Gradients.Edward J. Golob, Jenna Winston & Jeffrey R. Mock - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Understanding Advance Directives as a Component of Advance Care Planning.Kristina Celeste Fong & Winston Chiong - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):67-69.
    Volume 20, Issue 8, August 2020, Page 67-69.
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    Closed-Loop Neuromodulation and Self-Perception in Clinical Treatment of Refractory Epilepsy.Tobias Haeusermann, Cailin R. Lechner, Kristina Celeste Fong, Alissa Bernstein Sideman, Agnieszka Jaworska, Winston Chiong & Daniel Dohan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (1):32-44.
    Background: Newer “closed-loop” neurostimulation devices in development could, in theory, induce changes to patients’ personalities and self-perceptions. Empirically, however, only limited data of patient and family experiences exist. Responsive neurostimulation (RNS) as a treatment for refractory epilepsy is the first approved and commercially available closed-loop brain stimulation system in clinical practice, presenting an opportunity to observe how conceptual neuroethical concerns manifest in clinical treatment. Methods: We conducted ethnographic research at a single academic medical center with an active RNS treatment program (...)
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  17.  61
    Semantic Richness Effects in Spoken Word Recognition: A Lexical Decision and Semantic Categorization Megastudy.Winston D. Goh, Melvin J. Yap, Mabel C. Lau, Melvin M. R. Ng & Luuan-Chin Tan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  18. Exploring Ethics through Children's Literature (Books One and Two)(Elizabeth Baird Saenger).J. Winston - 1994 - Journal of Moral Education 23:475-475.
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    Music Training, and the Ability of Musicians to Harmonize, Are Associated With Enhanced Planning and Problem-Solving.Jenna L. Winston, Barbara M. Jazwinski, David M. Corey & Paul J. Colombo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Music training is associated with enhanced executive function but little is known about the extent to which harmonic aspects of musical training are associated with components of executive function. In the current study, an array of cognitive tests associated with one or more components of executive function, was administered to young adult musicians and non-musicians. To investigate how harmonic aspects of musical training relate to executive function, a test of the ability to compose a four-part harmony was developed and administered (...)
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  20.  58
    Monumental changes: The civic harm argument for the removal of Confederate monuments.Timothy J. Barczak & Winston C. Thompson - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (3):439-452.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  21.  27
    Anthony J. Sebok, Legal Positivism in American Jurisprudence:Legal Positivism in American Jurisprudence.Kenneth Winston - 2000 - Ethics 110 (4):870-873.
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    Anthony J. Sebok, legal positivism in american jurisprudence.Reviewed by Kenneth Winston - 2000 - Ethics 110 (4).
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  23.  38
    Select Interviews From the INS Annual Meeting—Keith Humphreys, Tom Insel, Uma Karmarkar, Carl Marci, Ariel Cascio, Winston Chiong, Frederic Gilbert, Cynthia Kubu, and Jonathan Pugh.Nathan Ahlgrim, Kristie Garza, Carlie Hoffman, Sarah Coolidge & Ryan H. Purcell - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (1):62-68.
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    Philosophical Essays. By A. J. Ayer. (Macmillan. 1954. Pp. ix + 289. Price 18s.).Winston H. F. Barnes - 1957 - Philosophy 32 (120):67-.
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  25.  46
    A Neuroanatomical Framework for Upper Limb Synergies after Stroke.Angus J. C. McMorland, Keith D. Runnalls & Winston D. Byblow - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  26.  37
    “Robins are a part of birds”: The confusion of semantic relations.Douglas J. Herrmann, Roger Chaffin & Morton E. Winston - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (6):413-415.
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    Spinoza: New Perspectives. Robert W. Shahan and J. I. Biro, editors. [REVIEW]Winston A. Wilkinson - 1981 - Modern Schoolman 58 (2):135-136.
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    "Universals and Particulars: Readings in Ontology," rev. ed., ed. Michael J. Loux. [REVIEW]Winston A. Wilkinson - 1977 - Modern Schoolman 55 (1):122-123.
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    Philosophy for the Future. The Quest of Modern Materialism. Edited by Roy Wood Sellars, V. J. McGill and Marvin Farber. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1949. Pp. xii + 657. Price $7.50.). [REVIEW]Winston H. F. Barnes - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (95):355-.
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  30.  29
    How We Think about Temporal Words: A Gestural Priming Study in English and Chinese.Melvin M. R. Ng, Winston D. Goh, Melvin J. Yap, Chi-Shing Tse & Wing-Chee So - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  31.  24
    Comparison of Brain Activity Correlating with Self-Report versus Narrative Attachment Measures during Conscious Appraisal of an Attachment Figure.Zimri S. Yaseen, Xian Zhang, J. Christopher Muran, Arnold Winston & Igor I. Galynker - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  32.  63
    Review Symposium of Meira Levinson, No Citizen Left Behind: Harvard University Press, 2012.Eduardo M. Duarte, Michele S. Moses, Sally J. Sayles-Hannon, Winston C. Thompson & Quentin Wheeler-Bell - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (6):653-666.
  33.  18
    Fatigue Influences the Recruitment, but Not Structure, of Muscle Synergies.Pablo A. Ortega-Auriol, Thor F. Besier, Winston D. Byblow & Angus J. C. McMorland - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  34.  30
    Art, Expression, and Beauty. By Arthur Berndtson. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1969. Pp. xiv, 305. $8.80.David J. Crossley - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (2):317-319.
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    Meaning and Existence: Introductory Readings in Philosophy, Edited by William T. Blackstone. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart & Winston; 1971, pp. xiv, 817. $10.95. [REVIEW]Louis J. Shein - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (4):671.
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    W. A. J. Luxemburg. A general theory of monads. Applications of model theory to algebra, analysis, and probability, edited by W. A. J. Luxemburg, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta, Dallas, Montreal, Toronto, London, and Sidney, 1969, pp. 18–86. [REVIEW]Louis Narens - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):541-542.
  37.  22
    The Common Sense of Politics. By Mortimer J. Adler. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1971. Pp. 265. $6.95.Ralph Nelson - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (3):485-487.
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  38. What did you mean by that? Misunderstanding, negotiation, and syntactic semantics.William J. Rapaport - 2003 - Minds and Machines 13 (3):397-427.
    Syntactic semantics is a holistic, conceptual-role-semantic theory of how computers can think. But Fodor and Lepore have mounted a sustained attack on holistic semantic theories. However, their major problem with holism (that, if holism is true, then no two people can understand each other) can be fixed by means of negotiating meanings. Syntactic semantics and Fodor and Lepore’s objections to holism are outlined; the nature of communication, miscommunication, and negotiation is discussed; Bruner’s ideas about the negotiation of meaning are explored; (...)
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    H. Jerome Keisler. Infinite quantifiers and continuous games. Applications of model theory to algebra, analysis, and probability, edited by W. A. J. Luxemburg, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta, Dallas, Montreal, Toronto, London, and Sydney, 1969, pp. 228–264. [REVIEW]Jerome Malitz - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (3):523.
  40.  18
    Book Review: Jews in the Hellenistic World: Josephus, Aristeas, The Sibylline Oracles, Eupolemus, by John R. Bartlett, Cambridgecommentarieson Writings of the Jewish & Christian World 200 bc to ad 200, Vol. II, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985. 209 pp. $12.95 (paper); Jews & Christians: Graeco-Roman Views, by Molly Whittaker. Cambridge Commentaries on Writings of The Jewish and Christian World 200 bc to ad 200, Vol. 6. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984. 286 pp. $18.95 (paper); Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements at the Time of Jesus, by Richard A. Horsley and John S. Hanson. Winston Press, Minneapolis, 1986, 271 pp. $19.95; A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba, by Henk Jagersma. Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1986. 224 pp. n.p. (paper); From the Maccabees to the Mishnah, by Shaye J. D. Cohen. Library of Early Christianity. The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1987. 251 pp. n.p.; Medicine, Miracle and Magic in New Testament Times,. [REVIEW]Jack Dean Kingsbury - 1988 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 42 (1):105-106.
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    Genetics: Human Aspects. By A. P. Mange and E. J. Mange. Pp. 659. (Saunder College/Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Philadelphia, 1980.) £9.75. [REVIEW]F. W. Robertson - 1982 - Journal of Biosocial Science 14 (2):249-249.
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  42.  14
    Rediscovering Fuller: Essays on Implicit Law and Institutional Design.W. J. Witteveen & Wibren van der Burg - 1999 - Amsterdam University Press.
    Lon Fuller, one of the great American jurists of this century, is often remembered only for his stand on the morality of law in the Fuller-Hart debate. Rediscovering Fuller considers the full range of Fuller's writings, from his early engagement with legal fictions and his critique of legal positivism to his later work on implicit law and the art of institutional design. Contributors from the fields of both civil law and common law argue that Fuller's insights are highly relevant to (...)
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  43.  19
    Jeana Monneta idea zjednoczonej Europy i jej suwerenności.S. J. Tomasz Homa - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (1):191-222.
    The main aim of this political philosophy study is to analyze the two fundamental ideas developed by Jean Monnet, namely, the idea of a federally united Europe and its sovereignty. This analysis is combined with an attempt to capture at least some of the essential assumptions of his philosophical ideas and their evolution. The source materials on which the article is based are primarily Monnet’s Memories, his notes and official memoranda, the correspondence from the war and postwar period and the (...)
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  44.  34
    The Usefulness of Social Norm Theory in Empirical Business Ethics Research: A Review and Suggestions for Future Research.Allen D. Blay, Eric S. Gooden, Mark J. Mellon & Douglas E. Stevens - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (1):191-206.
    In response to recent calls to extend the underlying theories used in the literature :375–413, 2005; Craft in J Bus Ethics 117:221–259, 2013), we review the usefulness of social norm theory in empirical business ethics research. We begin by identifying the seeds of social norm theory in Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments, the Glasgow Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1759/1790) seminal work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Next, we introduce recent theory in social norm activation by Bicchieri and (...)
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  45.  31
    The Sound of Liberating Truth: Buddhist-Christian Dialogues in Honor of Frederick J. Streng (review).Sulak Sivaraksa - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):129-130.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies.1.1 (2001) 129-130 [Access article in PDF] Book Review The Sound of Liberating Truth: Buddhist-Christian Dialogues in Honor of Frederick J. Streng The Sound of Liberating Truth: Buddhist-Christian Dialogues in Honor of Frederick J. Streng.Edited by Sallie B. King and Paul O.Ingram. Surrey: Curzon Press, 1999. Fred Streng was a close friend of mine. We were born the same year, 1933, and shared many interests. The last time (...)
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    A. H. Eden, J. H. Moor, J. H. Søraker and E. Steinhart : Singularity Hypotheses: A Scientific and Philosophical Assessment: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012, ix + 441, $79.95, ISBN: 978-3-642-32559-5. [REVIEW]Akop P. Nazaretyan - 2014 - Minds and Machines 24 (2):245-248.
    Generals always prepare for the last war.—Winston ChurchillYet in the 18th century, European thinkers noticed that social transformations had been accelerating for several thousand years; subsequent historical knowledge has made this observation more graphic and global. How long can the acceleration regime continue? In 1958, John von Neumann used the mathematical ‘singularity’ concept apropos of this subject, and the sonorous term was soon accepted in the humanities.The conceptual intrigue has become still more fascinating since a series of independent calculations (...)
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  47. ""Matters of" Life" and" Death"-Reply.W. Chiong - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (3):5-6.
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    Order, organization, and randomness: on the mathematical formulation of life.Joseph Cosgrove - 2024 - Synthese 204 (6):1-17.
    Life increasingly is understood in terms of information. I consider two attempts to formulate life in terms of mathematical information theory. G. J. Chaitin proposes to define life in terms of the relation between order and algorithmic compressibility in biological information. More recently, William Dembski, Winston Ewart, and Robert J. Mark’s suggest that Dembski’s notion of specified complexity can be mathematically expressed in information-theoretic terms through the concept of algorithmic specified complexity. The mathematical approaches are similar and in both (...)
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    A case for Hume's nonutilitarianism.Aryeh Botwinick - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Case for Hume's Nonutilitarianism ARYEH BOTWINICK IN MANY HISTORIES OF WESTERN THOUGHTI--as well as in those devoted more specifically to the history of Western political thought2--the designation of Hume as a utilitarian in his ethical and political theory is taken for granted. The word "utility" occurs frequently in both the Treatise and the Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, and this has led most commentators to posit a (...)
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    The Anglo-American tradition of liberty: a view from Europe.João Carlos Espada - 2016 - New York,: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Karl R. Popper: The open society and its enemies -- Ralf Dahrendorf: Liberty and civil society -- Raymond Plant: Social welfare without class warfare -- Gertrude Himmelfarb and Irving Kristol: The moral imagination -- Raymond Aron: The opium of the intellectuals -- Friedrich A. Hayek: The constitution of liberty -- Isaiah Berlin: Liberty and pluralism -- Michael J. Oakeshott: The conservative disposition -- Leo Strauss: Relativism and the crisis of modernity -- Edmund Burke: Liberty and duty -- James Madison vs. (...)
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